
POST /locations/addresses HTTP/2

Get information on the lowest division level, such as scores, demographics, infrastructure, and investment risks.

Example use-cases:

  • Display scores for the specified location
  • Display distances to important different points of interest, such as schools or restaurants
  • Calculate your investment risks with the demographics and scores


curl -X POST '<YOUR-API-KEY>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "location": {
      "address": {
        "street": "Gasstraße",
        "houseNumber": "10",
        "postCode": "22761",
        "city": "Hamburg"
Field Description Type Remarks
location Location of the property Location  


  "divisionLevel20": {
    "id": "02000000007000000579",
    "name": "Gasstraße 10, 22671 Hamburg",
    "levelDesignation": "Quartier",
    "geometry": {
      "type": "MultiPolygon",
      "coordinates": [
  "currency": "EUR",
  "location": {
    "address": {
      "street": "Gasstraße",
      "houseNumber": "10",
      "postCode": "22761",
      "city": "Hamburg"
    "coordinates": {
      "latitude": 53.561262,
      "longitude": 9.9138307
  "scores": {
    "overall": 0.87,
    "socialStructure": 0.72,
    "infrastructure": 0.81,
    "rentPrice": 0.92,
    "qualityOfLife": 0.81,
    "dominantPopulationGroups": [
    "dominantBuildingType": "business"
  "rentDevelopment": {
    "series": [
        "divisionLevel": "divisionLevel8",
        "title": "Hamburg",
        "type": "apartment_stock",
        "data": [
            "x": "2011-12-31",
            "y": 11.0
            "x": "2012-12-31",
            "y": 11.2
        "divisionLevel": "divisionLevel100",
        "title": "22761",
        "type": "apartment_new",
        "data": [
            "x": "2011-12-31",
            "y": 12.0
            "x": "2012-12-31",
            "y": 12.4
  "salePriceDevelopment": {
    "series": [
        "divisionLevel": "divisionLevel6",
        "title": "Hamburg",
        "type": "apartment_stock",
        "data": [
            "x": "2011-12-31",
            "y": 3000.25
            "x": "2012-12-31",
            "y": 3214.25
        "divisionLevel": "divisionLevel6",
        "title": "Hamburg",
        "type": "house_new",
        "data": [
            "x": "2011-12-31",
            "y": 3000.25
            "x": "2012-12-31",
            "y": 3214.25
        "divisionLevel": "divisionLevel100",
        "title": "22761",
        "type": "apartment_stock",
        "data": [
            "x": "2011-12-31",
            "y": 3624.12
            "x": "2012-12-31",
            "y": 3824.12
        "divisionLevel": "divisionLevel100",
        "title": "22761",
        "type": "house_new",
        "data": [
            "x": "2011-12-31",
            "y": 3624.12
            "x": "2012-12-31",
            "y": 3824.12
  "rentMarketDurations": {
    "series": [
        "divisionLevel": "divisionLevel8",
        "title": "Hamburg",
        "type": "house",
        "data": [
            "x": "2020-05-31",
            "y": 8.25
            "x": "2020-06-30",
            "y": 8.25
        "divisionLevel": "divisionLevel100",
        "title": "22761",
        "data": [
            "x": "2020-05-31",
            "y": 5.25
            "x": "2020-06-30",
            "y": 5.25
        "divisionLevel": "divisionLevel2",
        "title": "Deutschland",
        "data": [
            "x": "2020-05-31",
            "y": 25.25
            "x": "2020-06-30",
            "y": 25.25
  "saleMarketDurations": {
    "series": [
        "divisionLevel": "divisionLevel8",
        "title": "Hamburg",
        "data": [
            "x": "2020-05-31",
            "y": 40.25
            "x": "2020-06-30",
            "y": 40.25
        "divisionLevel": "divisionLevel100",
        "title": "22761",
        "data": [
            "x": "2020-05-31",
            "y": 30.25
            "x": "2020-06-30",
            "y": 30.25
        "divisionLevel": "divisionLevel2",
        "title": "Deutschland",
        "data": [
            "x": "2020-05-31",
            "y": 80.25
            "x": "2020-06-30",
            "y": 80.25
  "investmentRisk": {
    "priceFactor": {
      "new": 31.31,
      "stock": 31.31
    "vacancyRate": {
      "value": 0.023,
      "class": "low"
  "socialStructure": {
    "incomePerHouseholdClass": "3500_to_4500",
    "averageSocialClass": "upper_middle_class",
    "unemploymentRate": {
      "value": 0.08,
      "class": "above_average"
    "purchasingPower": {
      "value": 100,
      "class": "average"
    "rentalBurden": {
      "value": 0.29,
      "class": "low"
  "demography": {
    "migrants": {
      "value": 0.17,
      "class": "average"
    "householdGroups": [
        "value": 0.78,
        "class": "average",
        "type": "1_to_2_people"
        "value": 0.27,
        "class": "average",
        "type": "above_3_people"
    "ageGroups": [
        "value": 0.12,
        "class": "average",
        "type": "below_18"
        "value": 0.13,
        "class": "average",
        "type": "18_to_29"
  "qualityOfLife": {
    "overall": 0.91,
    "environment": 0.95,
    "infrastructure": 0.87,
    "neighborhood": 0.78
  "buildingStructure": {
    "buildingDensityClass": "average",
    "dominantBuildingClass": "business",
    "dominantBuildingYearClass": [
    "dominantNumberOfFloors": [
  "infrastructure": {
    "dailyNeeds": {
      "score": 0.85,
      "nextSupermarket": {
        "distance": 600.0,
        "name": null
      "nextBakery": {
        "distance": 500.0,
        "name": null
      "nextRestaurant": {
        "distance": 200.0,
        "name": null
    "transport": {
      "score": 0.85,
      "nextBusStop": {
        "distance": 200.0,
        "name": null
      "nextTrainStation": {
        "distance": 1600.0,
        "name": null
      "nextAirport": null,
      "nextChargingStation": {
        "distance": 3800.0,
        "name": null
    "education": {
      "score": 0.7,
      "nextChildDayCare": {
        "distance": 600.0,
        "name": "Kindergarten Nordergraben 3"
      "nextPrimarySchool": {
        "distance": 1200.0,
        "name": "Hohlwegschule"
      "nextHighSchool": {
        "distance": 1700.0,
        "name": "Käte-Lassen-Schule"
      "nextGrammarSchool": {
        "distance": 1000.0,
        "name": "Altes Gymnasium"
    "healthAndSport": {
      "score": 1.0,
      "recreationAndNatureScore": 1.0,
      "nextFamilyDoctor": {
        "distance": 1000.0,
        "name": null
      "nextHospital": {
        "distance": 1500.0,
        "name": null
      "nextPharmacy": {
        "distance": 400.0,
        "name": null
      "nextSportFacility": {
        "distance": 300.0,
        "name": null
    "noisePollution": {
      "score": 0.8,
      "roadLevel": "below_55",
      "trainLevel": "below_55"
  "meta": {
    "url": ",9.91097785903008",
    "version": "2.11.0"
Field Description Type Remarks
divisionLevel20 The level 20 division Division  
currency The local currency Currency Important for all kind of prices and price charts
location The location of the level 20 division Location  
scores The scores for the level 20 division Scores  
rentDevelopment The rent development for different division levels Chart series.type’s enum: apartment_stock, apartment_new, house_stock house_new
salePriceDevelopment The sale price development for different division levels Chart series.type’s enum: apartment_stock, apartment_new, house_stock house_new
rentMarketDurations The market duration development for rent offers of different division levels in days Chart  
saleMarketDurations The market duration development for sale offers of different division levels in days Chart  
investmentRisk The investment risk of the level 20 division InvestmentRisk  
socialStructure The social structure of the level 20 division SocialStructure  
demography The demography of the level 20 division Demography  
qualityOfLife The quality of life in the level 20 division QualityOfLife  
buildingStructure The building structure of the level 20 division BuildingStructure  
infrastructure The infrastructure of the level 20 division Infrastructure  
meta Meta information of the API Meta  


Field Description Type Remarks
overall The overall score Score  
socialStructure The social structure score Score  
infrastructure The infrastructure score Score  
rentPrice The rent price score Score  
qualityOfLife The quality of life score Score  
dominantPopulationGroups The dominant population groups array of enum young_adults, with_children, seniors, mixed_groups
dominantBuildingType The dominant building type BuildingClass  


Field Description Type Remarks
priceFactor   object The number of yearly cold net rents needed to profit from buying an average recent property in the area. float  
priceFactor.stock The number of yearly cold net rents needed to profit from buying an average property in the area. float  
vacancyRate The forecasted vacancy rate in the area. PercentageClass vacancyRate.class`s enum: low, average, high


Field Description Type Remarks
incomePerHouseholdClass A classification of the average income per household enum below_1500, 1500_to_2500, 2500_to_3500, 3500_to_4500, above_4500
averageSocialClass The average social class in the level 20 division enum lower_class, lower_middle_class, middle_class, upper_middle_class, upper_class
unemploymentRate The unemployment rate in the level 20 division PercentageClass  
purchasingPower The average purchasing power of the inhabitants as an index object  
purchasingPower.value The index value of the purchasing power float A value of 100 is the average for the level 2 division
purchasingPower.class The classification of the purchasing power enum well_below_average, below_average, average, above_average, well_above_average
rentalBurden The share of the income an average two-earner-household would have to pay for an average 65 sqm apartment in the level 20 division PercentageClass rentalBurden.class`s enum: very_low, low, average, high,very_high


Field Description Type Remarks
migrants The share of migrants in the level 20 division PercentageClass  
householdGroups The share of different household groups in the level 20 division array of PercentageClass householdGroups.type`s enum: 1_to_2_people, above_3_people, with_children
ageGroups The share of different age groups in the level 20 division array of PercentageClass ageGroups[i].type is of type AgeGroup


Field Description Type Remarks
overall The overall quality of life in the level 20 division Score  
environment The environmental quality in the level 20 division Score  
infrastructure The infrastructure quality in the level 20 division Score  
neighborhood The neighborhood quality in the level 20 division Score  


Field Description Type Remarks
buildingDensityClass A class describing the density of buildings in the level 20 division enum very_low, low, average, high, very_high
dominantBuildingClass The dominant building classes in the level 20 division BuildingClass  
dominantBuildingYearClasses The dominant building year classes in the level 20 division array of enum below_1910, 1911_to_1945, 1946_to_1959, 1960_to_1969, 1970_to_1979, 1980_to_1989, 1990_to_1999, 2000_to_2009, above_2010
dominantNumberOfFloors The dominant number of floors in the level 20 division array of enum one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine_to_twelve, above_13

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