

Field Description Type Remarks
type Property type enum apartment, house, apartment_building
subtype Property subtype enum only relevant for apartment and house
apartment_apartment, apartment_ground_floor, apartment_attic, apartment_maisonette, apartment_penthouse, apartment_loft, house_one_family, house_two_family, house_row, house_semi_detached


Field Description Type Remarks
id Programatic id of the property string  
customId Custom id of the property string The id users are familiar with.
externalId External id of the property string The id of the external system.
parentId Id of the parent property group string  
location Location of the property Location  
propertyType Type of the property PropertyType "type": "plot" and "type": "apartment_building" are not supported. Use PropertyGroup instead.
buildingYear Building year of the property integer  
livingArea Living area of the property float  
landArea Land area of the property float  
numberOfRooms Number of rooms float  
floor Floor of the property integer  
currentRent Current net rent of the property float  
rentControl If the apartment is rent controlled and the rent cannot be raised boolean Often this is true for social housing. default: false
condition Condition of the property Condition default: moderate
quality Quality of the property Quality default: good
energyCertificate Energy certificate of the property EnergyCertificate  
primaryEnergySource Primary energy source of the property PrimaryEnergySource  
heatingTypes Heating types of the property array of HeatingType  
equipments Equipments of the property array of Equipment  


Field Description Type Remarks
id Programatic id of the property group string  
customId Custom id of the property group string The id users are familiar with.
externalId External id of the property group string The id of the external system.
parentId Id of the parent property group string  
location Location of the property group Location  
totalProperties Total number of properties in the property group integer  
totalPropertyGroups Total number of property groups in the property group integer  


Field Description Type Remarks
id Programatic id of the image string  
propertyId Id of the property string  
type Type of the image enum title, ground_plan, default
caption Caption of the image string  
image Image to upload string Only required in requests and not send in responses. Maximum file size: 10 MB. Supported formats: image/png, image/jpeg, image/webp, image/heic
src URL of the image string Only present and required in responses.
previewSrc URL of the preview image string Only present and required in responses.


If used in a request, coordinates or address needs to be provided. If both are provided, the coordinates will be used.

Field Description Type Remarks
address   Address  
coordinates   Coordinates  


If used in a request, unstructured or structured fields need to be provided. If both are provided, the unstructured field will be used.

Field Description Type Remarks
unstructured Unstructured address string Useful to directly query user entries
street Street string  
houseNumber House number string  
postCode Post code string  
city City string  


Field Description Type Remarks
latitude Latitude float  
longitude Longitude float  


Field Description Type Remarks
value Percentage as a decimal float e. g. 0.24 for 24 %
class Class describing the relativ value to other compareable divisions for the same level enum well_below_average, below_average, average, above_average, well_above_average
values can vary with the specific endpoint
type Type describing the value string  


Type Description Remarks
string Date value Format: YYYY-MM-DD


Type Description Remarks
float Score value min: 0.0 (very bad)
max: 1.0 (very good)


Field Description Type Remarks
distance Distance to point of interest in meters. float  
name Name of the point of interest string  


Field Description Type Remarks
min Lower bound value float  
max Upper bound value float  


Field Description Type Remarks
min Lower bound value Date  
max Upper bound value Date  


Field Description Type Remarks
min Lower price value float  
max Upper price value float  
currency Currency used Currency  


Field Description Type Remarks
type Type enum consumption, requirement
value Value float  


Field Description Type Remarks
below18 Percentage of people in the division float  
between18And30 Percentage of people in the division float  
between30And45 Percentage of people in the division float  
between45And65 Percentage of people in the division float  
between65And75 Percentage of people in the division float  
above75 Percentage of people in the division float  


Field Description Type Remarks
child Percentage of children in the division float  
onePerson Percentage of people in the division float  
twoPerson Percentage of people in the division float  
threePerson Percentage of people in the division float  
fourOrMorePerson Percentage of people in the division float  


geothermal, solar, wood_pellets, gas, oil, district_heating, electricity, money, natural_gas_l, natural_gas_h, lpg, district_heating_steam, wood, wood_chips, coal, local_heating, heat_supply, bioenergy, wind_energy, water_energy, environmental_heat, fossil, renewable, regenerative, bio


Predefined heating types have i18n translations. If you want to use your own heating type, just pass the name of the heating type as a string. It will be displayed as is.

heat_power_plants, electric, floor, district, gas, wood_pellet, night_storage_heaters, furnace, oil, solar, heat_pump, central


Predefined equipments have i18n translations. If you want to use your own equipment, just pass the name of the equipment as a string. It will be displayed as is.

kitchen, balcony, lift, terrace, underfloor_heating, parking_spot, first_occupancy, carport, garage_space, cellar, garden, garden_joint_use, parquet, photovoltaic_system, guest_toilet


below_18,below_20, 18_to_29, 20_to_29, 30_to_44, 30_to_64, 45_to_64, 65_to_74, 65_to_79, above_75, above_80, total


Volume level in decibel below_55, 55_to_59, 60_to_64, 65_to_69, 70_to_74, above_75


dilapidated, bad, moderate, good, very_good


very_simple, simple, good, upscale, very_upscale


poor, medium, high




Field Description Type Remarks
url QUIS dashboard URL of the searched location or link to the entity in QUIS string Only present if the exact location is known
version Current version of the API string Could be used to detect new API versions

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